That’s tick in new, untick in old, otherwise you won’t be able to see the. Tip – Make sure to tick ‘File Name Extensions’ or head to Properties by right clicking inside the window on an older version of Windows and untick ‘hide extensions for known file types. In reality, you probably won’t have done this before because it’s a massive farce so this should be the only file in there for you to worry about. You’re going to want to hit ‘New’ in order to make a new document. Once inside the cheats folder, just hit the right-click button on your mouse or laptop and bring up the sub-menu.

You’ll either find it in Program files or Documents within the PCSX2 folder itself.

Just like the ePSXe emulator, there’s a cheats file where cheat codes are kept safe. Make a note of this number you’ll need it once you’ve located the cheat folder for your PCSX2 emulator. pnach file necessary for your cheat codes. The part that’s highlighted in yellow is the bit you’ll need in order to make the. See that text in the red oval above? That’s the CRC code for Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3.